North Yorkshire County Council




23 May 2022


Appointments to Outside Bodies





Purpose of the Report




To invite the Executive to make appointments to those outside bodies which fall to be made by the Executive under the County Council’s Constitution.



2.0       Appointments to Outside Bodies


2.1        Appendix 1 sets out a table of the appointments to outside bodies which fall to be made by the Executive, together with information about previous appointees.


2.2        Detailed information in respect of each outside body, including the following, is available to Members on request to Democratic Services:-

        Purpose of outside body

        Meetings – frequency per year; venue; time of day/evening meetings held

        Recent Minutes








That the Executive appoint to the outside bodies specified in the appended table shown at Appendix 1, if they so wish, or defer appointments to a later meeting.




Barry Khan

Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)

County Hall



13 May 2022


Background documents:         None